
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Did you know that there is a National holiday almost every single day of the year?  It's true!  Today is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.  A great looking recipe can be found here.

Some of the days are extra silly, like "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Sep. 19).  Lots are based on food, like today.  Others are based on people (Children's Day June-10 or Father's Day June-19). 

There are a lot of food days coming up, a couple more in June and a lot in July, so I thought I would give you a heads up, in case you want to celebrate.

  • June 1-Donut Day
  • June 2 National Rocky Road Day
  • June 7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
  • June 17 Eat Your Vegetables Day
  • June 22 National Chocolate Eclair Day
  • July 1 Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day
  • July 6 National Fried Chicken Day
  • July 7 Macaroni Day
  • July 12 Pecan Pie Day
  • July 13 National French Fries Day
  • July 14 Cow Appreciation Day
  • July 17 National Ice Cream Day
  • July 20 National Lollipop Day
  • July 28 Milk Chocolate Day
  • July 30 National Cheesecake Day
  • Aug 3 National Watermelon Day
  • Aug 14 National Creamsicle Day

Happy eating this summer!!!! ~Lena

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone should celebrate National Cow Appreciation Day. Though they ought to put it into June which is Dairy Month.


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